Bienvenu Byamungu
Founder and Programme Director
Bienvenu Byamungu, founder and Program Director of Build Church Africa who was raised in a devout Christian family, where his father served as a Priest. Alongside his sisters, Bienvenu sang in the church choir until he eventually became a Deacon and a Church Development Officer in the New Apostolic Church. His upbringing instilled in him a profound commitment to his faith, which has been the guiding force behind his life’s work.
Bienvenu is also the Founder and Global Director of Planning for Tomorrow (P4T) , a refugee humanitarian non-profit organization he established in 2007 at the young age of 17. P4T was born out of his own experiences of displacement, as he and his friends faced the harsh reality of not being able to return to their homeland, DR Congo, due to ongoing war that killed millions of people where churches and schools were destroyed by rebels.
Today, P4T has impacted over 20,000 people, with a vision to create a healthy and self-reliant communities that is empowered with knowledge and skills. Visit to learn more about Bienvenu’s work at P4T.
Galatians 6:2 beautifully captures Bienvenu’s calling, "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." Bienvenu’s deep passion for humanitarian work aligns with this scripture, as he strives to serve others in both spiritual and humanitarian ways. His vision for Build Church Africa, a faith-based organization to uplift refugee and unreached community in Uganda not forced to pray outside, distribution free bibles, equip the churches with furniture, training ministry and feeding hungry people. Through compassionate action, he dedicates his life to embodying Christ’s love and law.
In the refugee camps, Bienvenu has witnessed firsthand the challenges Christians face in worshiping in temporary and unstable structures. Many of these makeshift churches, often built with mud, are unsafe. During heavy rain or strong winds, the walls crack, and the roofs leak, sometimes forcing congregants to end their services abruptly. In some areas, churches are merely gatherings under trees, vulnerable to the elements and disrupting worship.
As global challenges—such as the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing wars—remind us of the nearness of Christ's return, it is an urgent time to spread the Gospel to unreached communities and for Christians to unite in support of one another. Bienvenu’s mission to establish safe churches and distribute free Bibles reflects this calling.
Through these efforts, he seeks to create sacred spaces where believers can find hope, strength, and a sense of community in God’s presence, providing them with the resources and encouragement to deepen their faith and share it with others.
In creating havens of worship and providing access to God’s Word, Bienvenu’s work is contributing to the spread of the Gospel, empowering believers and preparing the way for Christ’s return.
This dedication also speaks to Hebrews 10:24-25, which encourages believers to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” underscoring the importance of gathering, supporting, and strengthening each other in faith during challenging times.
Bienvenu Byamungu
Stifter og teamleder
Bienvenu Byamungu er en diakon, grunnlegger og teamleder av Build Church Africa. Bienvenu ble født og bodde med sin kristne familie der faren hans var prest i New Apostolic Church.
Bienvenu ble tvunget til å flykte fra hjemlandet Den demokratiske republikken Kongo i 1996 da han var bare 6 år gammel, og krysset grensen til Uganda hvor han oppholdt seg i kyangwali flyktningleir helt til han bosatte seg i Norge i oktober 2019.
Bienvenu var vitne til disse ekstreme menneskerettighetsbruddene, mange jenter og kvinner ble voldtatt mens gutter blir tvunget til å være soldater. Skyting, drap, voldtekter, brenning av hus, kirker i hele regionen tvang mange til å flykte og etterlot alt vi eide.
Han ble skilt fra foreldrene og opplevde blodsutgytelse før han nådde Uganda. Han måtte løpe og gjemme seg i bushen fra opprørere, led av sult, sykdommer. Mer enn 4 millioner av Bienvenus venner og landsmenn er drept i hjemområdet hans, og han var en av få overlevende som nådde flyktningleiren i Uganda.
I 2007 grunnla han Planning for Tomorrow (P4T) da han bare var 17 år etter 10 år i flyktningleir da han mistet håpet om noen gang å returnere til hjemlandet Den demokratiske republikken Kongo. Organisasjonen som prøver å gjenoppbygge håpet om flyktninger og Uganda med visjonen om å skape et sunt og selvhjulpen samfunn som er bemyndiget med kunnskap og ferdigheter.
Bienvenu brenner for å hjelpe de mest sårbare og skape fredsmiljø for alle. I Norge har han vært frivillig i Røde Kors Norge i Nordre Follo kommune for å hjelpe flyktninger, innvandrere og eldre i ulike aktiviteter siden 2021.
Bienvenu ble uteksaminert i utviklingsstudier fra Gulu University i Uganda i 2017 og har en profesjonell med 14 års felterfaring i å svare på humanitære kriser til konfliktrammet underprivilegert samfunn i Afrika.